His face look blank. He don’t know what to say. Every single word where stored in his mouth imperil both of them.
She is still waiting for a reaction.
“So what d’you want me to do?”
“Don’t you wanna know what kind of sin is it?”
“My dearest, I’m too afraid to know it, I guess it’s better unknown.”
“ But, if I’m not admit it to you I’m afraid, I’ll carry that burden with me along my life...”
“The sin sounds dire, it makes me sure not to know, honey...”. He look his face away.
“I don’t wanna bends ears you. I want your own willingness..”
“What kind of man who is ready to hear treason from his beloved wife?”
“But you have to know, so i wouldn’t be a self-appointed, so I can present you a robust, healthy and upright children. The product of my sin..?”
“What?? What d’you mean by product of your sin. You are not going to tell me that...” He look at his wife with big eyes and blood-red face.
“I’m not gonna tell you a thing, unless you ask me to..”
“Why you make this not easy?. Don’t blame me if I cant help my self to act differently!”
“I expecting you to do so...”
So he kneel down with nonexistent heart, be prepare for the worst. “ Ok, I’m ready, but make it fast. I’m not sure that I can manage my heartbeat.”
She put his head onto her thigh, she caress his hair. Then she whisphers the confession: “Honey, you are diabolic, don’t you realize that you are torturing me all this time.”
He cries, his body shaking. ”I’m sorry ...if that the reason to betraye me, then I’m really sorry...”
“You know what, you are so beatiful, so I can’t take my eyes away from you, I can breath without you by my side, and I’m not sure that I can live this life without your love...So, forgive me to love you that much, so I cast you into my prison. I admit that I love you and the children more than anything on this earth..That is the sin I want to confess you”
He grab her tightly, “You know what, I like this kinda sin...I LOVE YOU TOO, sorry to hide my sin from you too”.
dedicated to my husband, and my children
My first english story and first theme I could imagine is about loving you all so much...
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